Source Networks was contracted to help move a customer from one floor of their building to another. We worked with the general contractor, phone vendor, internet provider, building manager, and village inspector, to install new network cabling for both their phones and data, setup a new network rack, purchase new equipment, and move and test their existing equipment.

After submitting for a low-voltage permit from the village, receiving approval from the building management, and working with the architect to place the phone and data outlets in each office and find the best location for the IT rack, we completed the work in the timeframe needed by the customer. We ran six thousand feet of Category 6 Ethernet cabling, mounted the rack to the wall, placed beam-clamps, wire-tied the cabling neatly to meet the zoning rules for low-voltage, created a dual network topology to separate the VOIP and data traffic to separate networks, labeled the outlets and patch panels, and mounted shelves all before the customer could move in.

The customer commented to us on how the village inspector stated that he “has never seen such a well-done installation” and the work passed inspection without a single change needed. When the move-in day arrived, the phone vendor was able to setup the VOIP system without issue as all the preliminary work was completed in preparation for his needs. The move-in was completed without issue and the customer said that they thanked us for doing such a professional job making their move as seamless as possible.